Jarvis Responds to Arts & Business Figures

Shadow Culture Minister, Dan Jarvis MP, has responded to a report from Arts and Business which suggests that private giving in the Arts has increased by 4%.


“Arts and Business have provided us with yet another thought-provoking report that demonstrates their valuable work and contribution to the sector. Their announcement is welcome news for the Arts and I hope that this indicates that Arts organisations are growing their fundraising bases.
“However, Jeremy Hunt and Ed Vaizey cannot be complacent. We are 22 months into a five-year programme of government austerity.
“The government promised that cuts in public funding for the Arts would be replaced by philanthropist’s generous donations, across the country.
“We can see that this simply hasn’t happened. Whilst private giving has increased by £28.5million in 2011, the public funding to Arts Council England was cut by £71million. This is deeply worrying for the long-term sustainability of the Arts sector.
“I am particularly concerned about the decreases in private funding for Community Arts Projects and Theatres, as well as the 7% (almost £10million) fall in contributions from businesses.  Additionally, given how the government’s programme of cuts is disproportionately affecting different regions, I’m very concerned that 81% of individual giving is invested in London.  Ensuring the Arts are thriving in all towns and communities, must be a priority of culture department.
“I am producing a report entitled ‘Arts in the Regions,’ because I think it is imperative that we ensure all Arts organisations have the business acumen they need. By investing time in the procurement of the relationship between the Arts and business, we can ensure that the Arts survive the CSR-period, and that they continue to grow and expand their footprint in communities across all English regions”.
“Today’s news is not reason for Jeremy Hunt and Ed Vaizey to celebrate and pat themselves on the back. Arts organisations across the country are still very unsure about what their futures will look like and we continue to have a lack of Arts organisations in some of the most deprived areas of the country.”

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