You can read about my view on a variety of policy issues here. Posts are organised in date order, so if an issue is current then you're more likely to find it at the top. Or you can search using subject areas.
Trade Democracy
As we leave the European Union, the UK will have to negotiate trade deals with a number of international partners. Those deals should be subject to parliamentary scrutiny and Parliament should retain the power to reject trade deals that it does not agree with.
Read morePharmaceutical Companies
It is wrong that NHS patients are being denied access to potentially life-saving medication due to the prohibitive costs charged by pharmaceutical companies.
Read moreModern Slavery
Modern slavery is a crime that is devastating to the lives of its victims, and usually affects the most vulnerable members of society.
Read moreAntarctic Ocean Sanctuary
The protection of our planet and the sustainability of the natural world is vitally important. The world we leave to our children will be a reflection of our own generation’s stewardship of the planet.
Read morePutting People at the Heart of Planning
Whilst it is important that we build more homes and tackle the housing crisis, this must be balanced against the need to protect our natural heritage. I do not believe that housing development should be done at the expense of green belt land when other alternatives exist.
Read morePupil Premium Plus for Adoptive Children
I very much believe that we need to reform the way that Pupil Premium Plus (PPP) is paid, especially for children who have been adopted.
Read moreSocial Care
We are facing a national crisis in our social care system. The reality is that funding is simply not keeping pace with demand.
Read moreHeathrow expansion
I voted in favour of Heathrow expansion and the building of a third runway. I would like to take this opportunity to set out my reasons for doing so.
Read moreEast Coast Mainline
The ability of private franchises to provide a good quality service has yet again been called into question with the introduction of a new rail timetable which has reduced services and has caused major disruptions across the north of England.
Read moreNHS funding
The NHS was one of the proudest achievements of the Labour Party and it is has always fallen to Labour to preserve and strengthen it.
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