Over the coming hours, days and weeks much will be said about the attack that took place in Westminster yesterday. It will be analysed and explored from every angle, with every possible cause and effect considered.
But in the midst of this we must remember that the story is, at its heart, one about people who didn’t come home, and the impact that will have on their families, friends and colleagues. I hope they will find comfort in public support: both in the kindness of strangers and in the recollections celebrating the lives their loved ones led.
Yesterday’s story is also about those who demonstrated what is best in us: Keith Palmer, Tobias Ellwood and all the paramedics, staff and passers-by who ran not away from, but toward the scene of the attack. Actions like those will always deserve our respect and gratitude.
But what yesterday’s story is not about is giving notoriety to the perpetrator. It is what he sought, what he wanted and it is why he did what he did. Instead, we must find solace in the sense of community and togetherness that is now permeating greetings, conversations and meetings taking place in Westminster and right around the country today.
This indefatigable community spirit and the lives of those lost is where our attentions should be.
Terrorism will never prevail.