Jarvis Responds to 200% Increase in youth Unemployment

Jarvis explained, “Today’s monthly unemployment figures signal more bad news for Barnsley.

“Over the past year, I have spoken to many unemployed young people from across the town, who are desperate to get into work, but have had the door slammed shut in their faces.
“This is desperately disappointing, when we consider what Barnsley has to offer. We have a brilliant entrepreneurial spirit, a first-class business acumen and a strong determination to go to work.
“We all appreciate that we are in very difficult economic times, but the reality is, young people in Barnsley are tired of the Government’s excuses and they need jobs, now. 
“The number of young people out of work for a year has risen by 200% since March 2011, yet complacent ministers refuse to take the decisive action they need to get young people into work.
“In the Barnsley Central constituency, overall unemployment is now at 3,098. That represents 8.1% of the economically active 16 to 64 year olds in Barnsley Central. It is now imperative that the Government introduce Labour’s Real Jobs Guarantee, which would use a tax on banker’s bonuses to get 110,000 young people across the country into work.
“The harsh reality is we've now had two years of excuses. David Cameron and Nick Clegg have utterly failed to tackle Britain’s jobs emergency, and we are limping along in a state of crisis.

“Nationally, we still have more than a million young people out of work, more women unemployed than since 1987 and a benefits bill that is spiralling by the day.

“Last month’s budget should have taken urgent action to get Britain back to work. Instead we got a hand-out for millionaires and a slap down for anyone on tax credits.

“I have consistently said that jobs are my main priority in Barnsley Central. I know that getting people off of the dole queue and into jobs will be vital to us changing the local, regional and national profile of our town.
“Barnsley is a brilliant place to live, work and raise a family. I want people from Barnsley to be able to work in Barnsley.
“So I will continue to keep the pressure on David Cameron, because unlike him, I don’t believe that unemployment is ever a price worth paying.”

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