About Westminster
Parliament's Role
Parliament is an essential part of UK politics discover more about how Parliament works here
Parliament TV
Video and Audio carries live and archived coverage of all UK Parliament proceedings taking place in public, including debates and committee meetings of both Houses.
Visiting Parliament
UK residents can visit Parliament to watch laws being made, attend debates, committees or judicial hearings, use the Archives, tour the estate and climb the Clock Tower (Big Ben).
Virtual tours of Parliament
Parliament is developing a series of virtual tours for you to explore some of its famous buildings and learn about the current work and history of Parliament.
Hansard (the Official Report) is the edited verbatim report of proceedings in both Houses. Daily Debates are published on this website the next working day.
Select Committees
Select Committees work in both Houses. They check and report on areas ranging from the work of government departments to economic affairs.
Members Allowances
This section sets out details of expenditure on Members' Allowances for Members of the House of Commons, the House of Lords, Law Lords' expenses, and financial assistance to opposition parties in the House of Lords.
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Barnsley: 01226 787 893
Parliament: 020 7219 1082
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If you are a Barnsley Central constituent, you can use this site to send an enquiry to Dan and his team. Each enquiry will be assigned a ticket number, and will be dealt with in order.