
Dan Jarvis MP - Barnsley Chronicle 5 March 2021

This week marks ten years since I was first elected as the MP for Barnsley Central in a by-election. My time in Parliament has often felt like an endless whirlwind of events: three General Elections; a Mayoral election; two era-defining referenda; conflicts in Libya and Syria; political, economic and health crises. In other words, plenty to keep me busy!

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Dan Jarvis meets SAFG

Barnsley Central MP and South Yorkshire Mayor Dan Jarvis met with Skillz Academy For Girls (SAFG) following their achievement in receiving Kick It Out accreditation. Jarvis met with co-founders Chris White and Craig Marsh to discuss what more can be done to support their work and promote girls football participation.

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Dan Jarvis meets with new cohort of trainee district nurses

Barnsley Central MP and South Yorkshire Mayor Dan Jarvis met with the new cohort of Barnsley trainee district nurses to discuss the challenge of tackling persistent health inequalities in our local communities.

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Dan Jarvis MP - Barnsley Chronicle 26 February 2021

Data from the Office for National Statistics underlines the scale of the challenge that Barnsley and South Yorkshire faces in the aftermath of the pandemic. Redundancies are increasing faster than in the 2008 economic crash. Unemployment is surging to levels that we have not seen since the 1990s, when the Major Government’s pit closure programme ripped out the heart and soul out of Northern coalfield communities.

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Dan Jarvis MP - Barnsley Chronicle 19 February 2021

When Commonwealth born British Army veteran Taitusi Ratucaucau woke up in hospital following the emergency removal of a brain tumour, he faced a bill of nearly £30,000. An ongoing dispute with the Home Office denied him access to free healthcare, so it was down to the British public’s generosity to cover the costs. When I first read his story, I didn’t believe it.

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Dan Jarvis MP - Barnsley Chronicle 12 February 2021

This week is National Apprenticeships Week, and I’m championing apprentices and employers across Barnsley and South Yorkshire who have a pivotal role to play in supporting our economic recovery and renewal in the aftermath of Covid. Here in South Yorkshire, we’ve got a plan to shape our future regional economy, focusing on making it better, as well as bigger, to serve our people and communities. Fully funded, our Renewal Action Plan (RAP) would create 55,000 job and training opportunities and 3,000 high-skilled apprenticeships – putting jobs at the heart of our Covid recovery.

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Dan Jarvis MP - Barnsley Chronicle 5 February 2021

A familiar feeling of dread hung over South Yorkshire with amber flood warnings issued across the region in recent weeks. Our communities were at action stations as residents began the arduous task of preparing to withstand the worst of the weather. Our Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Yorkshire Water, the Environment Agency and volunteers worked around the clock to prepare for Storm Christoph. Within 24 hours, gullies and drains were cleared, river levels were monitored, and 43,750 sandbags had been delivered to local residents – testament to the efforts of hundreds of staff and volunteers.

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Dan Jarvis MP - Barnsley Chronicle 29 January 2021

Although most people’s attention is on the here and now of Covid, we cannot lose sight of the need to plan for what comes after the pandemic. The rollout of the vaccine gives us all immense hope and optimism that life will return to a sense of normality in the not-too-distant future and we can begin to put the horror of the last year behind us. The world that will emerge at the other side of Covid, however, remains ours to shape.

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Dan Jarvis - Statement on Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

“Although this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day event has to take place virtually, and we are unable to be together in person, we will be together in spirit.

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Dan Jarvis MP - Barnsley Chronicle 22 January

This week started with ‘Blue Monday’ – said to be the most depressing day of the year. In 2021, it’s especially important that we take the opportunity to talk about mental health. People are rightly worried about the numbers of people losing their lives to Covid and the impact on loved ones. Local business owners lie awake at night wondering how they will survive with their livelihoods intact. Families, friends and neighbours have been apart from one another – with major milestones celebrated virtually. This pandemic has been especially tough for older people, particularly those who live on their own and are already at greater risk of loneliness and social isolation; and it comes on top of an epidemic in a mental health that has roots long predating Covid.

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