
Dan Jarvis - Barnsley College Graduation

Thank you. It is a privilege to be here with you.


Occasions like these are the most humbling times to be a Mayor and an MP.


The political world can sometimes cause cynicism,

but standing here, I am reminded that there is hope.

Hope for the future.


Barnsley has a rich heritage of its sons and daughters stepping out into the world and shaping a better tomorrow.

It is now your turn to follow in their footsteps.


The opportunity that lies ahead of you has been made possible by the wonderful people at the heart of this exceptional institution… everyone from the cleaning staff, maintenance team, kitchen crew, teachers, leadership, and many others.


And so, I’d like to pay tribute to the dedication of all the staff here. Your hard work made today a reality.



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Dan Jarvis - South Yorkshire Tree Planting Initiative

"As COP 26 draws to a close in Glasgow today, the climate emergency that confronts the planet has been back at the forefront of many of our minds. Discussions as to whether leaders are going far enough, fast enough will go on when what we really need is action!

"But we have a responsibility too. Here in our part of the world, we can make a difference – that’s why I’ve launched a tree planting scheme, allowing schools, community groups, churches, sports clubs to receive a tree for their grounds, absolutely free of charge, using my Mayoral Salary to fund this charitable work.

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Dan Jarvis - Western Front Association Armistice Day Speech

It is an honour to be here with you today.


I’d like to pay tribute to everyone at the Western Front Association.


Not just for your efforts that have gone into organising today’s commemoration, but for your tireless work all year round to preserve the memory of those who fought and fell in the First World War.


The strength of your Association lies in knowing when we join to say, “We will remember them”

it is more than sentiment.


It is belief in the value of our shared history.


It is respect in the notion of true solidarity with those who serve and who continue to serve us.


Above all, it is understanding that Remembrance is timeless –


not simply about what came before, but something that lives within us, something we will pass on through the generations.





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South Yorkshire Mayor calls for uplift in Universal Credit to be kept

Alongside other Labour Metro Mayors, South Yorkshire Mayor Dan Jarvis has called on the Government to scrap the cut to Universal Credit.

A quarter of families in South Yorkshire will have their incomes cut by more than £1,000 a year, at a time of economic crisis, and a planned increase in National Insurance.

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Dan Jarvis - Speech in the Debate on Afghanistan, 18 August 2021

*** Check against delivery ***

Mr Speaker,

Like many Honourable Members I’m wracked with profound sadness at the catastrophe unfolding in Afghanistan.

It is an unspeakable tragedy for the people of that country, who after generations of conflict now live under a terrible cloud of fear and repression.

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Dan Jarvis - Barnsley Chronicle 30 July 2021

The summer holidays are finally here after what has undoubtedly been a tough year for students, staff, parents, and carers across our region. I hope the break will provide a chance for most to relax and spend quality time together.  

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Dan Jarvis MP visits Lang Avenue flood mitigation works

Barnsley Central MP and South Yorkshire Mayor Dan Jarvis took part in a site visit at Lang Avenue, Lundwood to meet with officers from Barnsley Council and Yorkshire Water and discuss the ongoing flood alleviation works. 

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Dan Jarvis - Message of Solidarity on Worker's Memorial Day

Worker’s Memorial Day is always a poignant moment each year. It’s an opportunity to reflect on those workers who’ve lost their lives in the workplace. It’s a chance to pay tribute to the incredible campaigning efforts of our trade union and labour movement. And it’s a chance to recommit ourselves to the fight for a better, safer world of work.

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Dan Jarvis - Barnsley Chronicle 23 April 2021

Last weekend, The Duke of Edinburgh was laid to rest at the grand old age of 99. I was grateful for the opportunity to attend a memorial service to the Duke’s life and to pay tribute to his lifetime of public service. Prince Philip’s was a life of extraordinary variety. From his service as the long-serving consort to the Queen throughout their 73 years of marriage; to the inspiration he provided to millions of young people – including (many moons ago!) me on an unforgettable expedition up the Himalayas  through the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme. His was truly a life well-lived. 

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Mayor slams 'disgraceful' Super League proposals

Barnsley Central MP and South Yorkshire Mayor Dan Jarvis has condemned proposals for a breakaway ‘European Super League’ including the Premier League’s Big Six clubs.

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